Press release: EuroFAANG research infrastructure is on track

The EuroFAANG cluster addresses challenges in farmed animal production, namely the better use of resources, animal health and welfare, the environment and the climate impact of breeding but also feeding the world with fewer resources. This is only possible with collaboration with the six partner projects, which tackle a wide range of livestock species, such […]

HoloRuminant’s People: Itzik Mizrahi 

Itzik Mizrahi presents his activities as researcher at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, and explains his role within the HoloRuminant project! 🎥Watch his video profile here 👇

HoloRuminant’s People: Leluo Guan!

Hi! I’m Leluo Guan, I am Professor in Functional Genomics and Microbiology. My research program focuses on the host-microbial interactions in cattle using functional genomics. My lab has been the first to link the microbiome with variation in feed intake, feed efficiency and rumen development. Since 2008, I have biobanked > 3000 rumen fluid samples […]

HoloRuminant’s People: Richard Dewhurst!

Hi! I’m Richard Dewhurst, Professor of Ruminant Nutrition & Production Systems and the Head of the Dairy Research Centre at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC). I joined SRUC in 2013 and previously led research units in Wales, New Zealand, and Ireland. I sometimes describe my career as a tour of the English-speaking world! I received the […]

HoloRuminant’s People: Sinéad M. Waters!

Hi! I’m Sinéad M. Water, I am a Principal Research Officer in the Animal and Bioscience Research Department in Teagasc. I was also appointed Adjunct Professor at the Genetics and Biotechnology Laboratory, Plant and Agri-Biosciences Research Centre, The Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway in 2018. I lead a research programme in the application […]

HoloRuminant’s People: Chris Creevey!

Hi! I’m Chris Creevey. I am an expert in Rumen Systems Biology and a world-leading specialist in computational biology with extensive experience working with high-throughput sequencing data from complex microbial communities and non-model organisms. Funded by the BBSRC, Newton Fund, DEARA and EU Horizon 2020 my group develops de novo computational strategies for metagenomic and […]

HoloRuminant’s People: Dörte Becher!

Hi! I’m Prof. Dörte Becher, I hold a Diploma (MSc equivalent) in Chemistry. Since the completion of my PhD in microbiology at the University of Greifswald in 1998, my research focused on the development, establishment and optimization of mass spectrometry-based proteomics methods with a focus on the global characterization of microbial proteomes in a qualitative […]

HoloRuminant’s People: Ines Thiele!

Hi! I’m Ines Thiele, I earned my bioinformatics PhD in from the University of California, San Diego. I was then Assistant Professor at the University of Iceland, and later Associate Professor at the University of Luxembourg. Since 2019, I am currently Professor for Systems Biomedicine at NUI Galway, and a PI in APC. I have […]

HoloRuminant’s People: Phil B. Pope!

Hi! I’m Phil B. Pope, I’m a microbial ecologist and physiologist. I have experience in the use of multi-omic approaches to deconvolute the intimate genetic and physiological relationship between the host animal and its microbiome. PI of Novo Nordisk Fonden fellowship “SuPAcow” and coordinator for ERA-Net project “ImprovAFish”, which both seek to modulate the feed-microbiome-host […]

HoloRuminant is part of #EuroFaang!

🧬The EuroFAANG project aims to produce standardised protocols for #FunctionalAnnotation of the genomes of farmed animals & ensure that the outputs obtained are comparable and reusable. ℹ️ Learn more here: Enjoy the video👇