Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas


The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is Spain’s largest public research institution and ranks third among Europe’s largest research organisations. CSIC plays a key role in scientific and technological policy in Spain and worldwide through 4 main missions: i) to foster multidisciplinary scientific and technological research, ii) knowledge transfer to industry and society, iii) education and training of scientific and technical staff, iv) creation of Technology Based Companies (spin-offs). The CSIC has more than 10 000 employees, including nearly 4 000 staff researchers. Currently it has 120 institutes spread across the country. The participating Institute (EEZ, www.eez.csic.es), is the largest within the Agricultural Sciences and its main objective is to generate scientific knowledge to respond to the increasing demand for sustainable and environmentally-friendly agriculture and livestock farming, in particular designing animal feeding strategies to modulate the rumen microbial ecosystem to increase animal efficiency and health across a range of production systems in the Mediterranean basin.

Competence and main role(s) in the project

The research team at EEZ has long expertise in the study of the ruminant digestive microbiome, especially during the process of microbial colonization and development in young animals. The team has made valuable contributions describing the impact of different factors (e.g. type of milk feeding, inclusion of additives and probiotics) on rumen colonization. CSIC will lead tasks 2.2 (longitudinal study of the establishment of different microbiomes in early-life) and 3.1 (Early life management and feeding effects on animal health and welfare).

Project staff

David R. Yánez-Ruiz
Dr David Yánez-Ruiz (Team Leader) Senior Scientist is a vet by training, coordinated the FP7 SMEThane Project and is PI at CSIC MASTER and PATHWAYS. He is co-chair of the Feed and Nutrition Network in the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance and he is leader of tasks 2.2. and 3.1.
Eva Ramos-Morales
Dr. Ramos-Morales, research fellow that has developed her career on nutritional means, particularly plant extracts, to modulate rumen microbial ecosystem to improve animal productivity while reducing the environmental impact of animal husbandry. She will be coordinating the animal trials at CSIC and the engagement with the livestock associations collaborating in the project.
Ignacio Martín-García
Dr Ignacio Martín-García, senior scientist with long expertise in vitro simulation systems, animal health and welfare. He will be in charge of animal health and welfare protocols.
Eva Romera Recio
Eva Romera is a vet and will be conducting her PhD within HoloRuminant on microbiomes in Mediterranean ruminants productions systems.
Eva Romera