European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders

The Netherlands

EFFAB is the main representative organisation for the animal breeding and reproduction industry. It also holds the secretariat office of FABRE-TP. The major European breeding organisations are member of EFFAB (ruminants, pigs, poultry, and aquaculture – from small cooperatives to international organisations). EFFAB encompasses a unique stakeholder network (industry experts, scientists, policy makers, politicians, NGOs).

Competence and main role(s) in the project

EFFAB will mainly be involved in WP5 Innovation impact and potential for upscaling and will lead WP6 Communication and Dissemination. EFFAB, holding the secretariat of FABRE TP, has a wide network on livestock production sector in Europe in addition to its representation of the European animal breeding and reproduction organisations. EFFAB’s main expertise area is stakeholder engagement, knowledge exchange and transfer in parallel to communication and dissemination.

Project staff

Ana Granados Chapatte
Ana Granados Chapatte is the Director of the European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB) and General Secretary of the Farm Animal Breeding & Reproduction Technology Platform (FABRE TP). Ana was educated at the Polytechnic University of Madrid as agronomist in zootechnics with special focus on Animal Reproduction and Genetics. She has worked for the Belgium cattle breeding cooperative AWE for twelve years. Ana is also active in the Animal Task Force board, the private-public partnership, promoting EU research in the livestock sector.
Çağla Yuksel Kaya Kuyululu
Dr. Çağla Yuksel Kaya Kuyululu, Senior Project Manager at EFFAB with education at Ankara University Veterinary Faculty and PhD on Milk Supply Management Systems and Policies. Çağla has more than 15 years of experience in knowledge exchange and transfer to targeted stakeholders, project management and team lead in animal production, health and breeding. She has been leading CDE Work Packages of 8 EU funded Research and Innovation Projects on Animal Health and Genetics for the past 6 years.
Duru Eroglu
Duru Eroglu is a project manager at EFFAB. She is a veterinarian graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Istanbul University and she worked as an EU Expert in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock for 5 years, focusing on animal welfare, animal transportation and food safety subjects. She also worked as project administrator for 2 global projects at UNDP. She has 10+ years of experience in support, preparation, evaluation and dissemination and communication activities of various national and EU projects.
Noraly van Hemert
Noraly van Hemert Junior Projects Officer at EFFAB. She holds a master’s degree in animal sciences from WUR with a special focus on animal breeding and genetics and animal health and welfare. Noraly is currently involved in the communication and dissemination activities of 7 projects (AQUA-FAANG, GENE-SWitCH, GenTORE, GEroNIMO, PIGWEB, ROADMAP, RUMIGEN and HoloRuminant) at EFFAB.
Bárbara Barbosa
Bárbara Barbosa is the current Policy and Office Assistant at EFFAB. Bárbara studied Political Science at the Universidade do Minho in Braga, Portugal. Bárbara has experience in the agricultural sector working as an intern in the policy unit of Brussels based associations, as well as in the field of communication, administration and other operations. She currently works on different policy initiatives at the EU level, such as animal welfare, animal health and the overall sustainability of food systems by representing the animal breeding sector and interests as well as the administrative and organizational work at EFFAB.
Jon Zurimendi
Jon Zurimendi is the current Communications Assistant at EFFAB. Jon studied Media & Communication at the University of the Basque Country, Spain, and has an MA in Art & Technology. Jon has worked in communications and content creation before joining EFFAB.
María Ramírez
María Ramírez is the Communications Officer at EFFAB. She studied Journalism at the University of Seville and has an MA in Internacional Politics at Pompeu Fabra University. María has experience working in the “EU bubble” and in EU research projects. María is helping to increase the impact of our communication activities of EFFAB, FABRE TP, and EU projects.