Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) Member of the Russell Group of the UK’s 24 top research-intensive universities Queen’s University Belfast (www.qub.ac.uk) is an international centre of innovation and excellence, providing world class education underpinned by world-class research. Over 94% of QUB graduates are in employment or further study six months after graduation. The mission of our Institute for Global Food Security (IGFS) is to nurture world’s leading scientist in food safety, and to build a Food Fortress, ensuring everything we import is of the highest quality and that what we sell locally and internationally is also 100% safe, nutritious and authentic. IGFS is composed of experts with complementary expertise in the fields of Food Safety and Food Integrity, Human Nutrition and Health, Animal Health and Welfare, Livestock Microbiomes, Parasitology, Plant and Soil Science, Climate Change, Invasive and Pest Species. IGFS is one of the core partners of the recently awarded EIT-Food. Queen’s is currently involved in 67 Horizon 2020 projects (14 of them hosted in IGFS). Indeed, Prof Sharon.Huws is the coordinator of the ERA-Net GAS project RumenPredict and runs the Global Research Alliance (GRA) network for Rumen Microbial Genomics. Profs Creevey and Huws are also Workpackage leaders for an EU Horizon 2020 project MASTER: Microbiome Applications for Sustainable food systems through Technologies and EnteRprise.